Precautions for Use of Multistage Pump


The multi-stage pump is a transport equipment widely used in the industrial field and urban water system. It has a reliable pressurized water transport capacity and a wide flow range, which can meet various transport conditions. To effectively avoid various accidents that may occur in actual use of the pump, master the precautions for the use of multi-stage pump in advance. In order to help you have a good understanding of this, the following is a related introduction.

The precautions for the use of multistage pump are various. The selection, installation, startup and storage of multistage pump in the early stage are introduced for reference.

1. When selecting and purchasing multi-stage pumps, in order to avoid that the performance parameters do not meet the standard when put into use and affect the working condition progress, the corresponding pump type specifications should be matched according to the working condition environment and the medium transported at the beginning of the selection. Generally, considering the energy loss during transportation, it is usually necessary to enlarge the performance space of about 10% in terms of the actual required parameters.

2. When installing multi-stage pumps, pay attention to overhead cables, and do not arrange the power lines and pipelines too long. The installation location should be in an open environment, and should not be directly immersed in mud to prevent the motor from overheating and burning due to poor heat dissipation.

3. Check the voltage before starting the multi-stage pump to avoid starting the pump under abnormal voltage. The difference between the power supply voltage and the rated voltage is about 10%. If the voltage is too high, the motor will overheat, and if the voltage is too low, the motor speed will decrease.

4. During the transportation of multistage pump, attention shall be paid not to overload operation for a long time. At the same time, attention shall be paid not to the large amount of sediment exceeding the transportation standard in the medium to be transported, nor to the dehydration operation for a long time. During the transportation, the monitoring of relevant operating parameters shall be maintained as far as possible, and the pump shall be stopped in time in case of unexpected conditions.

The above content briefly introduces the precautions for the use of multi-stage pump. In addition to the above precautions in the actual use of the pump, it is recommended to regularly monitor the multi-stage pump, such as checking the pump casing for cracks during daily use of the pump, and checking whether the internal related vulnerable parts such as sealing rings, bearings, impellers and other components are in good condition. If you encounter problems that are difficult to solve yourself, please contact us directly.


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